S Rajamouli’s much-awaited film RRR finally locked a release date after a long wait and it is set to hit the theatres on January 7, 2022. However, with the rising Omicron cases in India, reports are doing the rounds suggesting that the Jr NTR and Ram Charan starrer film’s release might get postponed. A report in Telugu Bulletin suggests that the distributors of RRR’s Hindi version have apparently asked the makers to reschedule the release date as theatres in Maharasthra are operating at half capacity.
However, when PinkVilla reached out to the film’s producer DVV Danayya for a comment, he said that the film’s release will not be delayed further. “No. No postpone,” the publication quoted him as saying.
On the other hand, filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma took to Twitter to write that the government should not allow anyone into the theatre to watch RRR if they are unable to produce proof of vaccination. “I have a GREAT idea for the GOVERNMENT regarding OMICRON…They should not allow anyone into #RRR theatres unless they show proof of DOUBLE DOSE ..The DESIRE to see #RRR will CONQUER the CARELESSNESS of the PEOPLE,” his Tweet read.
RRR is expected to be released on numerous screens worldwide, according to sources. Jr NTR and Ram Charan play Telugu historical heroes Komaram Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju in this film.
Reports also say that RRR will be available on OTT platforms within 60 days of its premiere. The film’s OTT rights have been bought by Netflix, the world’s leading streaming service. However, no official information is available at this time.
Author: admin