On Wednesday, Amitabh Bachchan shared a new release date for his upcoming film, Jhund on his Twitter handle. In the poster shared by Amitabh Bachchan, the actor can be seen dressed in a casual outfit as he holds a football. Sharing the post, Amitabh wrote: “Iss toli se muqaabla karne ke liye raho taiyaar!(Be ready to fight with this group) Humari team aa rahi hai (our team is coming to come) #Jhund, releasing on 4th March, 2022 in cinemas near you.” Jhund is a sports film based on the life of Vijay Barse, the founder of NGO Slum Soccer. Jhund stars Akash Thosar and Rinku Rajguru in lead roles.
The film is directed by Nagraj Manjule.
#RadheShyam will release on March 11, 2022
#Suriya’s #EtharkkumThunindhavan is releasing on March 10th
Author: admin