Mumbai Jan :10 Salman Khan had announced the sequel of ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ last month. The actor had revealed that the sequel is being penned by S S Rajamouli’s father, KV Vijayendra Prasad and that the movie will be titled ‘Pawan Putra Bhaijaan’. Kabir Khan, who helmed the first successful part, has now confirmed that the film is indeed in the pipeline. Speaking to a news portal, the filmmaker stated that Salman is calling the sequel as ‘Pawan Putra Bhaijaan’ and that he announced the movie because he is excited.
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Kabir Khan added that he has not read the script but he feels KV Vijayendra will definitely write something exciting. Commenting on the idea of directing ‘Pawan Putra Bhaijaan’, Kabir Khan stated that he would never make a sequel to his film only because the first one was a success. His only condition to direct is a sequel is if he finds a great story.
Salman Khan is currently busy with the shoot of ‘Tiger 3’, which is expected to hit the screens in December 2022. Apart from this, the actor also has ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’ with Pooja Hegde, ‘Kick 2’ with Jacqueline Fernandez and ‘No Entry’ sequel. The actor has also shot for entertaining cameos in Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Pathan’ and Aamir Khan’s ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’.
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